Tuesday, April 8, 2008

MS Team Foundation Server / Team Build (Part 1)

I've had to setup my current project at work so that it uses TFS's build automation. "F5 is not a compile solution" as I've been told by my boss. I completely agree with this because I've run into the whole "well it works on my machine" syndrome many times.

Having a dedicated server to compile my solution gives me a better grasp of how things would work on a machine that didn't have all of my development tools on it (aside from what's required by Team Build).

I also had the pleasure (more like pain) of upgrading my TFS 2005 build script to 2008 when we upgraded. This in itself is really simple to do, you just simply move it on over and TFS 2008 just runs the 2005 version in compatibility mode.

However, I didn't want to just run an older version so I just copied out the part that I wanted from the 2005 version, re-ran the wizard to build a 2008 version, and pasted the chunk of text. Much to my disappointment, the build script didn't work anymore.

I looked at my file over and over again. I and others on the MSDN forums found nothing wrong with it. Finally, it was suggested I just delete the TFSBuild.proj file on the build server so that TFS copies it to the build server again... it worked.

Lesson learned: be sure to check out the TFSBuild.proj file when making edits and don't modify in memory if that message box comes up. I spent a good part of a whole week trying to figure out why it wasn't working.

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