Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Iterating Through "My.Resources"

The "My" namespace in VB.NET is indispensable. Settings and resources among other things can be easily accessed by using it. You can place items such as files or images in "My.Resources" and access them in your code in a very simple manner: 

Dim MyObject As Object 

MyObject = My.Resources.ObjectName

However, iterating through My.Resources is another issue. You might think you could do it this way:

For Each Object In My.Resources 
   'more code here 

You can't. "My.Resources" is a namespace and not a collection that implements IEnumerable. So what do you do? You have to enumerate the objects in "My.Resources" if you want to iterate through them. I started out on the MSDN forums looking for a starting point and I came up with this implementation:

Public Function GetMyResourcesDictionary() As Dictionary(Of String, Object) 
  Dim ItemDictionary As New Dictionary(Of String, Object) 
  Dim ItemEnumerator As System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator 
  Dim ItemResourceSet As Resources.ResourceSet 
  Dim ResourceNameList As New List(Of String) 

  ItemResourceSet = My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetResourceSet(New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en"), True, True) 

  'Get the enumerator for My.Resources 
  ItemEnumerator = ItemResourceSet.GetEnumerator 

  Do While ItemEnumerator.MoveNext 

  For Each resourceName As String In ResourceNameList 
    ItemDictionary.Add(resourceName, GetItem(resourceName)) 

  ResourceNameList = Nothing 

  Return ItemDictionary 
End Function 

Public Function GetItem(ByVal resourceName As String) As Object 
  Return My.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(resourceName) 
End Function

The reason I did it this way was so that I could call GetMyResourcesDictionary once and I'd have a Dictionary object that I could iterate through.


aApe said...

Great info!

Thanks so much.

Anonymous said...

Could you send me an example on how to actually iterate through the resources? As in the function call...I added your function to my class but can't get it to work. Help plz if you got time, thx.

Peter Choi said...

Thanks, I'm glad it helped! Aamir, I sent you an email.